From the color of my skin, to the texture of my hair, to the length of my strands, to the breadth of my smile, to the stride of my gait, to the span of my arms, to the depth of my bosom, to the curve of my hips, to the glow of my skin, My Black is Beautiful.Ohhhkaaayyy. The depth of my bosom, the curve of my hips...........what image does that bring to your mind?
The latest campaign offering, the previously mentioned "The Talk" video, is apparently a fictitious but totally real life dramatization of the alleged talk black moms have with their kids, a talk that apparently reinforces the bogus narrative that cops have monthly quotas for the number of random blacks to shoot for No Reason Whatsoever™ . Michelle Malkin does a great job shredding the whole commercial over on VDARE, Michelle Malkin: Procter & Gamble’s Identity-Politics Pandering.
P&G should stand for quality consumer goods, not empty Protest & Grumble that divides more than it unites.
If P&G isn’t willing to tackle the full complexity of race relations in 21st-century America, perhaps the company should stick to selling diapers instead of filling them.Burn!
I am pretty sure that almost no one bases their consumer goods purchasing on self-esteem campaigns. Maybe non-Whites do. I buy stuff based on what is on sale and what works and what I like. I buy the toothpaste I use because I like it. I buy toilet paper from a couple of name brands depending on what is on sale. I don't wonder which company affirms my Whiteness. Perhaps I should.
Back to the Real Talk.
I agree that black moms need to talk to their kids and keep it real. If they talk about cops they should tell their kids that by and large, in almost every case, cops of every color are on their side and doing their best to keep them safe, even when those efforts are misrepresented and resented. That talk isn't probably going to happen.
The real talk black moms need to have with their kids would go like this (I know black women don't talk like this in general).
The reality of life in America for young black men is that your life is in danger. A lot. Every time you leave the house, you are taking your life in your hands. The media and race hustlers will tell you to watch out for cops or the Klan or Jared Taylor. But you are not in much danger from White people. They will leave you alone and for the most part go out of their way to avoid you. No, if you want to know who you should be scared of, look in the mirror. As a young black man you are in the most danger by a very wide margin from other young black men. If you end up getting shot, the person holding the gun will almost certainly not be a cop, especially if you are not committing a crime. It won't be a White or an East Asian. It will be another young man that looks like you.
The best advice I can give you is to stay clear of other men that look like you. Stay away from drug use, stay away from places other young black men congregate like clubs. Find some non-black friends and cultivate those friendships. Make a plan now to get as far away from other young black men as you can. It sucks and seems unfair but I am your mom and I don't want to bury you when you are a teen or in your twenties. Not every young black man is a direct threat to you but a disproportionate percentage are. People who look like you are the greatest threat to you. Stay away from them.Daughter,
My advice to you is similar. Stay away from young black men. They are far more likely to be unemployed, under-educated, criminals and violent than any other kind of young men.
Regardless of who you date, keep your knees together or at least use birth control. Three of four black babies are born out of wedlock and there is no more sure way of being poor your entire life than having an illegitimate baby. Find a boy that is kind of a nerd, who likes school and has a future. If he isn't black that is a bonus. The dope boys may seem appealing now but they are going to either be dead or in jail soon and even if not, they are likely to impregnate you and then leave you to raise that baby alone (see my prior concern). Find a man with a job and who doesn't start looking for the exit the second you use the word "marriage". Being without a man for a few months is preferable to being poor your entire life or holding a baby at the father's funeral or trial.I wonder if I put together a video like this, would Proctor & Gamble run it? I know what happened to John Derbyshire when he penned a common sense version of the talk for his kids. No, having a "real" conversation about race is always a one-way lecture based in narrative and emotion, never facts and reality. It doesn't make things better but it does keep race hustlers and the professionally aggrieved class employed. So what if thousands of young black men are murdered as long as my grants for "racial reconciliation" keep coming. Blacks not committing a crime are really in very little danger from a cop but they are in a ton of danger from their own people. Until we can talk like that and "get real", maybe Proctor & Gamble can shut up and make soap.
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