Saturday, August 19, 2017

One Week Later

So that went about as well as expected. It is a week after Charlottesville and Unite the Right and the entire country has gone insane. I have been writing a lot about this on other platforms and in general the majority of "conversations" about the events of Charlottesville are either willfully misleading or just straight up ignorant or both. I am not going to spend any time talking about Trumps' completely accurate and reasonable "both sides" comments or the ridiculous notion that taking down statues that absolutely nobody cared about five years ago is somehow going to reduce "racism" or do anything substantive for a single black in America. You can take down any mention of any White person anywhere and anytime in history and it won't stop young black men from killing each other or young black women getting knocked up.

A lot of people are asking questions like "Are we on the verge of a new civil war?" or "Is a race war brewing?". These people clearly are not paying attention because we have been in both for decades. The difference now is that it is coming out of the shadows. Give them credit. The neo-Marxist Left have been engaged in warfare for a long time while normal people were being distracted by TV and sports. Our schools from kindergarten to graduate school are cesspools of far left ideology. Our "entertainment" culture has been quietly poisoning our minds and the minds of our children for decades, normalizing sexual deviancy and pushing the idea of White guilt. The media has been an active and eager participant. Our churches are infested with social justice warrior wannabes like Russell Moore. Even the "conservative" establishment is sold out for globalism and people like Bill Kristol are openly calling for the replacement of Whites with non-Whites. It turns out that the powerful elites in the Republican party and outlets like National Review only care about corporate profits and could give a rip about the fate of Whites and European culture as long as their stock portfolio increases in value. The foundations of the racial and cultural war have been decades in the making and it is just now that we are starting to fight back against the race hustlers and the neo-Marxists.

Unfortunately the events of Charlottesville are a direct hit on our movement. You can argue and moan about how we are being unfairly treated but what did you expect? The antifa could have machine gunned down everyone at the rally while the rally organizers held flower bouquets and sang Negro spirituals and it still would have been spun against them. For the antifa this was emboldening. They had someone get killed and that makes her a martyr and you can be sure it was great for recruitment and for fund-raising. I bet the SPLC and ADL saw huge spikes in contributions over the last week. For some on the Right this was great as well because it reinforces the narrative of the media being against us. I am increasingly of the opinion that a lot of people see our struggle as a hobby and the Alt-Right or White nationalism or identitarianism as their own "brand" to be protected. I don't believe for a moment that there are a significant number of actual "neo-Nazis" and/or "KKK" types in the broader movement but that is who is going to show up on the media. Have 1000 people at a rally and one guy throwing up a Nazi salute and you know who is going to show up on the news, just as you will never see the Soviet flags antifa are waving at the "counter-protest" on any news coverage. I don't care if you have some Nazi fetish or a more serious affinity for National Socialism. The simple fact is that the Nazi brand is a non-starter. Worse, it is a distraction. Arguing about National Socialism is not doing anything to advance the cause of White nationalism. The vast majority of Whites in history were not National Socialists. The vast majority of Whites today want nothing to do with Uncle Adolf. It might make for some funny memes but winning "the meme wars" isn't going to save our people and our heritage. This is not time for being cute or squabbling over turf. We are on the edge of losing the greatest civilization this world has ever known and losing the people who gave this world virtually all of the culture the world enjoys. Big egos and fighting over the little stuff is what gets us killed. Literally, as in extinction.

We are nine months out of the election. We are deep into the fight of our lives. Even our nominal allies like Steve Bannon are on the outs and the giants of the internet are doing everything they can to silence us. We need to get our priorities straight because the window to turn this around before it is too late is closing fast. We have the smarter people, the better ideas and the witness of history on our side. Let's use that to our advantage instead of letting our movement be defined by a handful of goofballs and the media. Winning means preserving our people. Losing means extinction. Those are the stakes. Every single action we take, ever word we utter, every thing we post online, must have those stakes in mind.

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