Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Happy Kwanzaa!

Yesterday marked the start of Kwanzaa! This made-up holiday is all about celebrating blackness/African heritage. The man who started Kwanzaa,  Ronald McKinley Everett or as he styles himself these days, Maulana Ndabezitha Karenga, had a very laudable reason for creating this holiday out of whole cloth:
He said his goal was to "give Blacks an alternative to the existing holiday and give Blacks an opportunity to celebrate themselves and their history, rather than simply imitate the practice of the dominant society."
I am all in favor of this. The more blacks separate themselves culturally from Whites, the easier it will be to separate them physically from us. Even though Karenga is a convicted felon for torturing naked women, which hasn't stopped him from being a professor and chairman of the "Africana studies" department at California State. Long Beach, I support his black nationalism. Let the blacks have their own holidays and culture and churches and other institutions and eventually let them have their own ethnostate where they can be free of White persecution and Whites can be free from having to pay for blacks and from violence at the hands of blacks.

Right now two of the main problems with distinct ethnostates for Whites and blacks is that a) blacks are entirely reliant on the largesse of Whites that fund and subsidize many aspects of everyday life for a huge percentage of blacks and b) blacks have some affinity for the United States. By encouraging them to embrace their differentness and to form and celebrate their own separate heritage we can begin to unwind their connection with the U.S.. As for the first part, the national debt and looming crisis over entitlements ought to get the job done as soon the government will either have to cut welfare spending or collapse entirely or both.

I won't be lighting candles or pouring out drink offerings or whatever it is you do for Kwanzaa but I wholeheartedly support the expansion of exclusively black rituals and institutions.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Trump Does The Bidding Of The (((Neocons))) and Goofy Dispensationalist Teachers

Today the long expected announcement came out that President Trump is moving forward with recognizing the city of Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel and announcing a move of our embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. As expected this has caused a great deal of anger among the already angry and easy to trigger Muslim world. I expect some fairly serious violence to erupt as a result. The Muslims are usually up for a good intifada and it has been awfully quiet for a while. Just as predictably, the leader of our "great ally" Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, has been gushing all over social media, crowing about this decision and calling on other nations to follow suit and move their own embassies. That isn't really likely to happen and even the move by the U.S. embassy will be years down the road. You can also expect a lot of vandalism, terror attacks and low level violence to accompany every step of the building process of the new embassy. I am sure our great friends the Israelis will let the U.S. pay for the whole thing.

So with the wall unbuilt, Obamacare still sort of in place, immigration reform going nowhere even after the travesty in San Francisco, the tax bill still needing leadership to ensure it makes it to Trump's desk, a $20 trillion national debt and so many other issues that need Trump's attention and political capital, you might wonder why he would decide to take this step. On the surface the reason is that he promised to do so and unlike other candidates Trump seems to take his promises seriously. But the real reason boils down to two words.

Neocons and Dispensationalism

The neocons thing is easy to understand. Neoconservatism is a subset of American conservatism that has an outsized influence on the Republican party. It was perhaps at the apex when George W. Bush was President and neocons were the driving force behind the ill-fated Iraq invasion. It is a movement that is heavily slanted toward Israel thanks to having so many Jews as leading voices. Neocons are mostly influential in foreign policy and they favor a highly interventionist stance, especially when we are asked to go to war to "protect" our "allies" in Israel. Since they are led by the most militant of American Jews, it is natural that neocons would be pushing for this gesture to show for the millionth time that "We stand with Israel", although Israel never seems to stand with us in any meaningful sense. Our relationship seems to be America giving money and anything else Israel wants to the Jews and Israel in turn agrees to accept what we give them.

The other side of the coin is the relatively recent theological invention known as "dispensationalism". The teachings of dispensationalism are a little complex but this is a nice summary, note my emphasis underlined:
Dispensationalism is a theological system that teaches biblical history is best understood in light of a number of successive administrations of God's dealings with mankind, which it calls "dispensations." It maintains fundamental distinctions between God's plans for national Israel and for the New Testament Church, and emphasizes prophecy of the end-times and a pre-tribulation rapture of the church prior to Christ's Second Coming. Its beginnings are usually associated with the Plymouth Brethren movement in the UK and the teachings of John Nelson Darby.
The critical component for my purposes here is the idea that there is a distinct and separate plan for Israel and the church. While most Christian theology sees a shift with the advent of the New Testament where the nation of Israel under the Old Covenant fades into the background and the church is ascendant as God's final vehicle for His covenant people, dispensationalism sees the church as a "parenthetical" interruption to God's original and continual plan to work through the ethnic Jewish people. It can be said that dispensationalism gives preference to the Old Testament over the New Testament. This school of theology was popularized by the simply awful Left Behind book series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, some of the worst literature to ever hit a printing press.

So what? Why does some esoteric discussion of Christian eschatology have anything to do with U.S. foreign policy?

If there is a theological system that dominates the Christian church in America, it is without a doubt various models of dispensationalism. It infects most areas of evangelicalism and even some parts of the Reformed church, although most of the Reformed still hold to Covenant Theology or in much smaller numbers New Covenant Theology. The same people that are most influenced by dispensationalism are also some of the most political active in the Republican party, meaning that a lot of Christians who faithfully vote Republican also think that they have a solemn, religious obligation to support Israel no matter what and in whatever way the Jews say they should. Conservative politicians understand this and suck up to the Jewish Israeli lobby at every opportunity and woe to the Republican that is insufficiently obsequious toward Israel.

For a lot of evangelicals, supporting the unbelieving state of Israel is a high holy obligation on par with their own national allegiance and almost higher than their identification with the church. On days like today or anytime that Israel is in the news, you can be sure people will be (mis)quoting Genesis 12:3 and other Old Covenant passages that refer to Israel as a nation, passages that are obsolete just as the Old Covenant is obsolete and replaced by the New Covenant (Hebrews 8:13).

While it is my understanding that Christians are very limited in how they can operate in Israel (i.e. proselytizing Jews), there is apparently no limit to how much money Jews will take from gullible Christians. I know of many Christians that visit the "Holy Land" as if that is a significant pilgrimage or Christians that donate money to Jewish causes like financially supporting Jews moving to Israel. Why a Christian would financially support moving a lost Jewish person from a country where they can be proselytized to a country where it is next to impossible for them to be evangelized is mind boggling. Why would a Christian supposedly devoted to the spreading of the Gospel willfully make it harder for lost people to hear the Gospel? The only reason is that they have bought into dispensationalism and think that there is another path for Jews. This belief is false.

The Bible is quite clear. There are not two paths to justification, one for gentiles and one for Jews. There is one path, faith in Christ. To teach otherwise is to make yourself a false teacher and to preach "another Gospel", something that Paul condemns in the strongest language possible in the opening to his letter to the Galatians where he was ironically calling out people trying to infuse Judaism back into Christianity via the practice of circumcision.

Dispensationalism is a deception that is used to leech money from Christians that should be used for spreading the Gospel and supporting the needs of Christians, it is a false teaching that preaches a false Gospel to the Jews and it is used by the Jews to manipulate American foreign policy in ways that cost hundreds of billions of U.S. dollars, weakens our position in the world and has led to the death of thousands of American men and women.

Unfortunately as today shows, in spite of President Trump claiming to be all about "America First", the hold of the neocons and the Israel lobby on America is as strong as ever. People who understand the manipulative tactics of the Israel lobby, the deception of the neocons and the confusion of dispensational teachers have a duty to expose the lies of both Israel as an "ally" of America and of Israel as a covenant people on par with the church. These lies cause instability in an already unstable region, cost American money and lives and lead many people to hell that think they get a pass because of their parentage.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The South Africazation Of The United States

Alphonse de Neuville - The defence of Rorke's Drift 1879

South Africa and more specifically the plight on White farmers and other Whites in S.A. has been getting a great deal of attention in our circles of late. Rightly so. While many people are stuck in the "Lethal Weapon 2 / Nelson Mandela media creation" mindset toward White South Africans where all Whites are cartoonish villains with funny accents keeping the peaceful black South Africans in bondage, we have viewed the state sanctioned, or at least ignored, violence of the black majority toward the White minority with a great deal of alarm. The situation in South Africa and Rhodesia (aka Zimbabwe) is an example of what happens to Whites when blacks are in control (spoiler alert it is not good for the Whites) and serves as a sneak preview of what life might be like in the not-too-distant future in places like Europe and North America as plummeting White birth rates and mass immigration of blacks and browns from Africa, Asia and the Middle East in response to their explosive birthrates subsidized by well-meaning but unintentionally suicidal Whites in the West, leads to Whites becoming a minority in their own nations before the end of the century, if not much sooner. For more, check out this video from VertigoPolitix.

One aspect of this transformation of America and Europe from White ethnostates to multicultural utopias that is given less attention is the way in which the very people being replaced and undergoing self-genocide are also subsidizing their own destruction. It is a statistic that should come to mind easily for anyone who is not sold out on the politics of envy that a huge percentage of the income tax revenue in this country comes from a very small percentage of the people, i.e. those awful "1%'ers". In general the upper and upper-middle class subsidize the rest of the country, especially those who fall into the approximately 50% of tax-payers that pay no income tax, many of whom still get a "refund".

This is true in South Africa as well. Of special interest to me was this quote from Taki Magazine, The “Coffin Case” and the Joys of Hating White Afrikaners, and the statistic it contained:
All this in the context of some startling statistics. In a country of roughly 60 million people, less than 4 million pay tax, and almost 90 percent of them are white. The tax base is shrinking as whites take fright and leave and their children in large numbers follow because they are racially discriminated against in the job market.
That is really the more pressing issue. For now the wide scale violence among blacks takes places almost exclusively among blacks, blacks killing blacks, although the incidence of domestic violence and rape on the part of black men inflicted on White women is deeply troubling. Where we are headed as a nation is a situation like this, with an ever increasing minority base of net takers of social services (blacks and mestizos) and the opposing trend of an ever decreasing White tax based to pay for them as the numbers of productive White tax payers shrinks and more and more young Whites join minorities in the category of net takers from social services. Like South African Whites, we don't really have anywhere to go.

Of course one could also suggest that America in 2017 also strongly resembles ancient Rome before she fell or a more contemporary analogy could be drawn to Weimar Germany. Check out this quote from Identity Dixie's article The Sexual Decadence of Weimar Germany:
The Jews had managed, in the space of a mere fourteen years, to bring about a major “transvaluation of values” in Weimar Germany. The vices of the past were now its virtues. The only vice that remained was chastity.
It is hard to imagine anything more reviled in our contemporary American "culture" than chastity, self-control, moderation and modesty. Another important quote from this essay:
It is self-evident that there is no other way to get control of a society with strong moral values than to weaken those values. The formula is simple: destroy the belief system on which that society is founded, especially its religion and its traditional codes of honor and decency. Promote godlessness and a philosophy of despair. To put it in even plainer language: reduce men to beasts if you wish to control them.
Does that not almost perfectly describe America in 2017? Young men in despair turning inwardly and avoiding both work and normal relationships on the one hand or engaging in pure brutishness on the other. Endless deconstruction of the American creed and the rewriting of American history to inflate the roll of non-Whites (i.e. portraying Alexander Hamilton as a non-White in the play Hamilton, inflating the role of black women in the space program in Hidden Figures, etc.)

Any way you slice it, America is heading over a cliff. Over 20 trillion dollars in debt, another 1.5 trillion in student loan debt, credit card debt, not to mention unfunded liabilities from here to Timbuktu. Compound that with a rapidly shrinking productive tax-paying population (most Whites, virtually all Asians) and an increasing net negative tax and benefit liability class (most blacks and mestizos) and a nightmare scenario where America looks a lot like South Africa is in our future. The big difference is that America is much larger, already has hundreds of millions of guns and just happens to have a huge nuclear arsenal. The political cowardice of our least moral and productive citizens in the government makes a South African future look increasingly likely for the U.S.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Shocking News From Eastern Europe!

The Wall Street Journal reports that Central and Eastern European economic growth is exploding, which of course frightens the WSJ because of possible "overheating": Buoyant Central and Eastern Europe Revives Overheating Fears. While European growth overall is decent, around 2.3% to 2.5%, it is in the East and Center of Europe that things are really popping.
Nowhere has the turnaround been more impressive than in central and Eastern Europe, where third-quarter growth across the region was well ahead of the EU average and market expectations: the Polish and Czech economies grew by 5%, Latvia’s by 6.2%, Slovakia’s and Lithuania’s by 3.4%, Romania’s by a remarkable 8.6%.
Wow, I wonder what could be the difference? I am sure it has nothing to do with the lack of a combination of a lavish welfare state and mass absorption of untold hordes of migrants who are not employed, not assimilated in any meaningful sense and that have no interest in changing either. If Eastern Europe can start to reproduce actual Europeans via child birth, there is little to stop them from becoming independent economic powers in their own right and no longer dependent on hand-outs from the "enlightened" West. Of course this is the globalist Wall Street Journal so no good news would be complete without ominous warnings about the need for "new Europeans", note the portions in red.
The best response to skills shortages is active labor market policies that encourage more women and older people into the workforce, facilitate immigration, raise educational standards and improve health systems.
The old globalist stand-by, mass immigration even though current immigrants from Third World nations into Europe are barely employed (or employable) and more women in the work force. Perhaps I can offer an alternate suggestion. Instead of one more woman entering the workforce, what if that one woman got married, stayed home and had four children? Statistically that would be two more males who could then enter the workforce in 18 years. Do that for a couple of generations and the labor "shortage" solves itself. Not to mention that as the economy grows more strongly, labor remains tight and wages go up the 20 million people that have left the region over the last 25 years will come home. Again, why bring in unemployable and often lazy and violent immigrants when you can bring Poles that already speak Polish back to Poland?

The globalists will not be satisfied until they can replace the independent people of Europe with more easily manipulated and controlled migrants but the solution is already there. Have children and create the conditions to encourage expatriate Eastern Europeans to come home. Eastern Europe must avoid the trap of native population eradication via low child birth and mass immigration if it is to survive this century.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

I've Never Met A White Supremacist And You Probably Haven't Either

There is probably no term more misused and wildly misapplied in our national discourse than "White supremacist". To hear it told, there are White supremacists (hereafter just WS) around every corner, under every bed and skulking around looking for a chance to lynch some black guy for no reason whatsoever. Really anything short of openly calling for the extermination of the White race and the utter cleansing of any trace of White civilization (except for the internet and everything else White people invented) is considered WS. Anyone and everyone is part of WS  from Richard Spencer and Ramzpaul to Black Pigeon Speaks and Stephen Bannon. It is a term so overused that it has become meaningless.

This video from Lana Lokteff does a good job deconstructing the WS myth.

The more accurate way of describing people like Spencer and most of the Alt-Right is some variation on White Nationalism. No one I know of wants to rule over blacks and mestizos. That is 18th and 19th century thinking. The White man's burden is a thing of the past. Mostly now we just want them to go somewhere else and leave us alone.

On the bright side WS is a term that is so overused that it has become meaningless and therefore loses it's sting entirely. If everyone is a WS then no one cares if you call them that and that actually opens a lot of doors. I think a lot of garden variety normie conservatives are looking more seriously into the alt-right, race realism, White nationalism, etc. because the danger of being called a WS has pretty much become a non-issue. Again, if you are going to be accused of WS anyway, you might as well give race realism an honest examination. Often the best recruitment tools we have are the overuse of name-calling by leftists/SJWs/globalists/race-baiters because sooner or later the name-calling hits a tipping point and stops being effective as a means of silencing us.

So if you think that White culture and White people have a worthwhile history and are deserving of perpetuation in any form, you are a White supremacist. Since you are going to get called that anyway, you might as well embrace it!

Saturday, November 11, 2017

The People In Poland Get It

In celebration of the anniversary of Polish independence in 1918, some 60,000 Poles took to the streets to celebrate their national pride. They also seemed pretty Right wing, much to the horror of many self-loathing Whites in the West. 
The largely young crowd shot off roman candles and chanted “fatherland,” carrying banners that read “White Europe,” “Europe Will Be White,” and “Clean Blood.” Some of the marchers flew in from neighboring countries—Slovakia, Spain and Hungary—waving flags and symbols those countries used during their wartime collaboration with Nazi Germany.
“There are of course nationalists and fascists at this march,” said Mateusz, a 27-year-old wrapped in a Polish flag, “I’m fine with it. I’m just happy to be here.”
As I have said before, Poland largely seems to understand what the West does not, that Western culture is under assault and in danger of being eradicated. You cannot simply replace White European with blacks and browns from the Third World and still have Europe and losing Europe makes the entire world a worse place. This quote is gold:
The Radical Camp’s followers argue, on their social-media accounts and in their literature, that the influx of Syrian refugees into Europe is part of a conspiracy driven by Jewish financiers, who are working with Communists in the European Union to bring Muslims into Europe, and with them, Shariah law and homosexuality.
Well that pretty much sums it up. As this is from the globalist HQ of the Wall Street Journal that only sees people as interchangeable economic units and doesn't care who buys their stuff as long as someone is buying, the tone is of course borderline hysterical but other quotes make what should be common sense assertions:
“It’s like this inner need we have,” said Lukasz, a 24-year-old protester. “We want a Poland that will be for Polish people.”
Poland for Polish people is of course racist in a way that Israel for Jewish people or Kenya for Kenyans or India for Indians is not. 

Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and the other nations of the East give me hope for the White race and European culture. By rejecting mass immigration and by openly choosing their native faith of Catholicism over Islam, Poland is one of the leaders striking out a new path that rejects the multicultural future demanded by the E.U.. If they can just remember how to have babies again, Poland can become a powerhouse of Europe. A nation 25 years from now that replenished their population with White Poles is going to be in a much better place than a Germany or France that tries to replace White natives with sub-Saharan Africans and violent Muslims.

I hope it never comes but there may come a day when racially aware Whites in America, Canada and Western Europe will need to look to Eastern Europe and Russia for sanctuary.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

RAMZPAUL eviscerates PragerU

Someone on my normie Facebook page linked a video from PragerU that purported to "explain" the alt-right. I haven't watched it because I have little interest in Prager stuff, although they do some decent entry level videos on some topics, and since Dennis Prager is a Jew, also I am sure that a Jew doing a video about the alt-right is going to be dishonest at best. Sounds like I was right to skip it. Ramzpaul did an outstanding video, one of his best, on why the PragerU video was false and poorly researched.

I especially liked his comparison between the alt-right as an influential ideology versus a physical get-together and the Libertarian Party. I know lots of Libertarians and I used to consider myself one but I don't know anyone that has been to a formal Libertarian Party event. Add in the threats of violence and doxxing and you can understand why you only get 400-600 people at Charlottesville but websites like, Faith & Heritage and Stormfront gets tens of thousands of unique visitors. Even this video from ramzpaul has almost 6,000 views right now and it was just published yesterday. Looking at the American Renaissance Youtube page, you find that their top ten most popular videos all have over 100,000 views each, a couple with more than 300,000. Black Pigeon Speaks, who is not alt-right but still engages in thoughtcrimes has a video with over 1.4 million views and regularly breaks 100,000 views. The amount of content out there and the reach it has is incredible. You know something is up when a Jewish content creater like Dennis Prager with over a million subscribers is taking the time to address the alt-right. If the reach of the alt-right was only a couple hundred people at a rally, no one would care. The reality is that the reach of the alt-right and other forms of dissident far-right sources is enormous and growing. The establishment, globalist "conservatives" know it and they rightly see it as a threat. People are sick to death of the globalist, neo-con, "Israel über alles", tax-cuts for the rich and "free trade" to enrich the wealthy model of "conservatism" and the alternate right is providing a real alternative. Trump, Roy Moore in Alabama, the dropping out of cuckservatives Jeff Flake in Arizona, the election results in Europe, all show that nationalism is rising and it is a short walk from nationalism to ethnonationalism. The terror of the alt-right as a serious threat to their "conservative" hegemony from Republicans in some ways dwarfs even that of the left.

Watch ramzpaul's video below and let me know what you think.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Spoiler Alert: It Isn't The Guns

Yesterday brought a fairly unremarkable news story. It involved a shooting on a college campus where two young men, one a student, were killed. Why didn't it get much attention when campus shootings or even the hint of a gun normally cause panic and news coverage? To be completely honest, it didn't get the normal over the top attention for two reasons.

First the police apparently knew right away that this was not terrorism or some mass shooting. Immediately we were told that the shooter knew the two men that were shot, Earl Andrews and Monquiarious Caldwell.

Second the shooting happened at Grambling State, one of the "historically black colleges and univerisities" (HBCUs). With a student body that is over 90% black, it was pretty certain that Earl Andrews, the Grambling junior that was murdered, was a black man (since confirmed by a photo of Earl). It is a fair guess that the second man shot, not a Grambling student, is also black based on his name (how many White or Asian people named Monquiarious Caldwell do you know?).

Of course immediately people cried foul that there was not enough attention being paid because they were black. This seemed odd since it was all over the news and in the trending column of my Facebook news feed. Then there were the obvious cries about racism. I pulled this screenshot from the public posts on the trending news....

"GeColby" seems to think that changing gun policies is the answer. Ironically it appears he had been deleting comments, his post showed up in the top of the public feeds on the news story and that means anyone can comment on them. Notice his angry statement at the bottom of the picture. So we need to change our gun policies he cries but then says he won't allow any debate on the issue. How then do we change our policies? Perhaps let GeColby Youngblood decide them on behalf of everyone else since he seems to think that two men are dead "for no reason", as if the gun just knocked on the dorm room door and started blazing away on it's own when the door opened.

At the time I took the screenshot there hadn't been a suspect named or a description, and if you follow the news at all you know that if blacks are shot and the suspect isn't White, or really any time the suspect is black, you can be sure that no description of the suspect is given. In other words, no description of a suspect equals "young black male" 95% of the time. Sure enough, the suspect is now in custody and named (Jaylin Wayne) and you will be as stunned as I am by the photo.

Shocking I know. Totally destroys the narrative.

What GeColby and others don't want to admit is that as soon as we heard it was a shooting on an HBCU campus and one of the dead was named Monquiarious, we knew it was an argument between a couple of black guys that ended up in gunfire. It is common knowledge that black men, around 7% of the population, commit around half of all murders and the murder rate per capita among blacks dwarfs that of White and Latinos.

America doesn't have a gun culture problem or a gun ownership problem. The problem is not our "gun policies". The problem America has is a relatively small percentage of the population committing half of  the murders in this country and another minority, Hispanics, committing murder at almost twice the rate of Whites. If we didn't have blacks and Hispanics in this country, we wouldn't really have much to talk about when it comes to gun violence except the seemingly random events like Las Vegas, and that event stinks of a cover-up more than any other mass casualty event since 9/11.

If the black community wants to stop waking up to news stories of guys named Jaylin murdering guys named Monquiarious, they need to stop worrying about gun control and start worrying about minority control. Until blacks and Hispanics get themselves under control, the murder problem will continue unabated no matter how many angry tweets go out or new laws get passed. The blame for the deaths of Monquiarious and Earl fall squarely on their own community that seems incapable of reacting to any altercation with anything other than lethal violence. Whites get into disputes and even violent disputes but unlike blacks we don't immediately turn to guns to "solve" the problem.

Black lives matter? No, first let's establish that black crimes matter.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

On The Reformation from Faith and Heritage

Ehud Would, a writer at one of my very favorite sites, Faith and Heritage, has posted an outstanding overview of the Reformation, the issues that led up to it and the way the Reformation impacts our struggle now for self-determination. The post, Post Tenebras Lux: The 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, brings a ton of information to the table, much I am already familiar with but a lot that was new to me, especially on the Reformation in England. If you are a Christian interested in theology, history and the way they interact with contemporary issues from a kinist perspective, you owe it to yourself to read his post. It is lengthy and deep but well worth the time and effort.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Serious Question Fellow White People

How can any self-respecting White person want to live in a country where an absolute buffoon like this is elected by a district full of other buffoons to make decisions about your life on your behalf?

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Hans-Hermann Hoppe Talks The Alt-Right And Libertarianism

Check out this hour long video from Hans-Hermann Hoppe. It is a bit difficult to understand him but the entire hour is dynamite.

Hoppe represents the sort of libertarianism I can still get behind. I am not terribly interested in the "socialism for White people" school of some of the alt-right. We have already seen the result of a White socialism in a little experiment called the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact and I don't think any rational person is down with repeating that. This is the big failing of some segments of the alt-right, they seem to think that human nature changes when you get rid of minorities but it really doesn't. Watch the whole thing, it is pretty deep in places but it is good stuff.

If you prefer to read, the good people at VDare have a full transcript as well.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Golly, If I Throw A Brick At My Kid's Teacher What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

File this under the "Did you think even for a second about what might happen?" category.

In Pittsburgh, a lovely mom by the name of Dai’Shonta Williams got a little bit upset with her 4th grade child's teacher. So she did what any rational parent would do, she called the school and requested a meeting to discuss her concerns with the teacher, Janice Watkins.

Yeah, that is not what happened.

No, instead Dai’Shonta decided to ambush the teacher after school because the teacher had the audacity to confiscate the 4th grader's cell phone in a school with a no-cell policy. Of course she is a 4th grader so what she needs a cell phone for in the first place is beyond me. So here is the time-line from what I can gather.

- Darling and precocious 4th grader goes to school with her cell phone provided by her mom despite the prohibition on cell phones at this school.
- During class said precocious child starts using phone to take a video, thus violating school policy and disrupting the class.
- The teacher confiscates said phone. In the process a 4th grade child bites the teacher.
- The parents of sweet young lady come to school and threaten to "get even" with the teacher who had the audacity to get bit by their innocent child.
- Teacher leaves school to get bite looked at, apparently it was a bad enough bite that she needed medical attention.
- Parents follow teacher and then attack her when she stops car. Teacher foolishly rolls down window thus inviting a perfectly justifiable brick being thrown at her.
- Teacher gets out of the car and realizes the the mother is not alone and gets attacked from behind: "'When I got out of that car,' she said, 'I didn't realize it was two other people,' she said, but she felt something hit her in the back, and it was two men."
- Mom and dad and apparently a third assailant jump into car, confident that justice has been served and that they are in no danger of repercussions.
- Momma gets arrested and employs a modified combination of the "Dindu nuffin" and "She had it coming" defenses.

A 29 year old woman decides to gather her forces and brings two men to assault a 46 year old teacher. That is smart.

Oh, and the school in question is called "Pittsburgh King PreK-8", thus proving that streets and schools named after the good "minister"/plagiarizer/serial adulterer MLK are usually dumps. It is a school clearly committed to learning and helping kids become moral, useful members of society. Actually no.
Pittsburgh King PreK-8 is a neighborhood school located in Pittsburgh's North Side community. We believe that at the heart of the transformation of Pittsburgh King is a shared commitment to and relentless pursuit of racial equity.
Well by all means focus on "racial equity" instead of focusing on 4th grade kids not biting their teachers or better yet maybe emphasize the parents of 4th grade students not dragging their kid's teacher from a car or hitting them with a brick.

I don't find the behavior itself that surprising but what is so odd is that this required a fair amount of preparation. The mom came to school, threatened the teacher apparently publicly, rounded up the alleged father and another guy, waited for the teacher to leave, followed her and then assaulted her. I am sure she was seen at school, everyone knows she is the mother of this kid and she openly threatened to "get even".

At any point did she stop and think that perhaps this might not be a good idea? Did she ever contemplate what might happen a day later?

When someone does something to make me angry, two factors working together keep me from chasing that person down and throwing a brick at them. First, I was taught not to do stuff like that. It is so ingrained in me that I wouldn't even consider it because I had parents that instilled a sense of morality into me. Second, I am aware enough to realize that there would be consequences. A completely disproportionate response like this, especially after threatening the person you attacked, is going to get you arrested. This isn't like two dudes getting into a tussle and throwing some punches, this is a woman and two men stalking and attacking another woman, including throwing a brick at her which could have easily maimed or even killed her.

Clearly Dai’Shonta Williams didn't think even for a moment about what would happen next. If she had, would she have made the connection that a serious assault on a teacher by someone known to the teacher, a teacher she had threatened that same day, would lead to her arrest and almost certain conviction followed by a lengthy jail term. Did she think what would happen to her 4th grader, already an out of control and dare I say borderline feral child, if she goes to prison for 3-4 years? If her kid, probably around 9 or 10 now, is biting teachers for having her cell phone confiscated, what will she be like when she is a teen after her mom has been in prison for the prior 3-4 or more years? Assuming her dad was one of the two men that assaulted the teacher, they will also get arrested so both parents in jail? They might as well book a cell next to the mom because the daughter will be joining her soon enough. Based on her Facebook page she has at least one other baby that would be not even two years old yet. Who will take care of that little girl? How is Dai'Shonta planning on getting a job when she is about to incur a felony conviction(s)? The repercussions for my actions are a major factor in helping me to decide what to do/not do and I have never even contemplated chasing someone down and hitting them with a brick.

According to some of the news stories, Ms. Williams was under the impression that the teacher had choked her daughter. I can understand being angry but it also wasn't as if she caught the teacher in the act of choking her daughter. She was apparently relayed this information after the fact by a 4th grader. So rather than finding out what really happened and waiting a bit to get "justice", she decided instead to immediately assault the teacher on the rather dubious claim of a 4th grader. Even if the teacher had choked her daughter, the clearly correct response would be to file a police report and complaint with the school and let it take it's course but instead her response was a brick through a window and a beat down with two men helping. This is a form of time preference. For an average White, we will put off the immediate gratification (that might be wrong and carry serious repercussions) in favor of letting the system work and getting justice after finding out the facts. For blacks, and this is amply proven in academic studies of Africa versus Europe, see here for example, the instinct is to get gratification now rather than delay gratification. Waiting for the wheels of justice to work rather than hitting someone with a brick is not really different from saving some of your food for the winter months rather than eating all of your food in the summer.

What happens next is pretty clear. The mom and probably dad will go to jail for a while, some relative will take over the "care" of their children and the social pathology exhibited by the brick throwing mom and teacher biting 4th grader will just get deeper and more expensive for society as a whole. I imagine at sentencing Dai'Shonta will tearfully appeal for leniency "cuz my babies need me", something she clearly didn't give much thought to when she was chasing down the teacher. From individual cases like Dai’Shonta Williams to cities like Detroit to entire nations and a continent like Haiti and Africa, the result is typically the same. An inability to think about consequences for the future leads to stupid immediate decisions and the process is repeated over and over again.

Hopefully the teacher, also a black woman, will suffer no permanent physical effects from the assault but I can't imagine her teaching in that school in the future. If she is smart she will move to a majority White suburban school district where she can teach without worrying about getting her face smashed by a brick. As for Dai’Shonta Williams, I wonder what she is thinking now and if she realizes that her daughter made up the story about being choked and that her girls are facing years with their mom behind bars. She probably has some remorse over her actions, at least because of the consequences, but the time to ponder the consequences is before you act, not afterward.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Man Speaks An Obvious Truth, World Explodes

Some guy named Marc Faber, who I have never heard of, went on what some described as a 'racist diatribe' and got himself fired from CNBC and Fox and removed from a board of directors. Apparently he is some sort of financial prognosticator known for gloomy predictions. What was the horrible 'racist diatribe' that caused this reaction? Here it is...
And thank God white people populated America, and not the blacks. Otherwise, the US would look like Zimbabwe, which it might look like one day anyway, but at least America enjoyed 200 years in the economic and political sun under a white majority. I am not a racist, but the reality — no matter how politically incorrect — needs to be spelled out.
That is a 'racist diatribe'? Some people need to get out more often.

Let's ask the more pertinent question. Regardless of the political correctness of what he said, is it factually correct?

The freest and most prosperous nations in the world are either White nations or are the former colonies of White nations (Hong Kong, Singapore, etc.). Europe and America are free, open, prosperous, liberal in the classical sense and desirable nations precisely because they are majority White. You can (falsely) claim that our prosperity is a result of exploiting blacks and browns but even if you are buying that horse manure it doesn't change the fact that White nations are far better places to live than black nations.

Look at a map of Europe and North America. Is there any place on that map where there is absolutely no way you would live there? I could stand to live in Canada or Scotland or Hungary or Spain or Estonia. I wouldn't necessarily choose to live there but I could make it work in any nation in Europe except for the small part of Turkey that technically is in Europe and probably not Bosnia or Albania because of the Muslims.

Now look at a map of Africa and ask the same question. Would you live in the Congo or Liberia or Libya or Somalia or even Zimbabwe? Zimbabwe ranks 154th on the Human Development Index and every country below it is either in Africa or the Middle East or is some random little pit of a country. On the other end of the spectrum the top 25 countries are all European or North American, with a handful of East Asian nations, except for Israel. Unless you forced me or the average person, there is no way I would live in any country in Africa (or the Middle East or South Asia). The nations of Africa are poor, mean, ignorant, unhealthy and violent because they are a reflection of their population.

A member of Uganda's medical community
However you slice it, the relative prosperity, freedom and health of a nation is not an issue of geography, it is an issue of humanity. There is a reason a volcanic island in the middle of a frigid ocean like Iceland is in the top 10 of the Human Development Index while similarly sized Eritrea comes in at number 179. Iceland is full of White people and Eritrea is not.

The quality of life in a nation is a direct result of the race of people that inhabit a given nation. Nations run by Whites (Europe, North America, Australia/New Zealand) and some East Asians (Korea, Japan, etc.) are generally free, prosperous, healthy and safe. Nations run by blacks (Africa, Haiti, etc.) or brown people (Southeast Asia, South/Central America, the Middle East minus Israel) are the exact opposite. That is why people from black and brown countries flee in such enormous numbers to countries that are White. It is not because there is something magical that happens when you cross from Africa into Europe or from Central America into North America. It is 100% because the people who live in the White countries are White and if you replace the Whites in Europe with blacks you don't end up with Black Europe, you end up with Northern Africa.

Marc Faber's crime is not telling an untruth, his crime is telling a truth that is not allowed to be spoken and it is a truth that virtually every person understands. Do you ever wonder why the Negro football players that protest against "White supremacy" and "police brutality" in America don't leave America and move to Africa? Because they know Africa is a crap hole and even more so they know it is a crap hole because it is full of people like themselves. Do you think Lebron James lives in a predominantly black neighborhood? No. I picked James at random because he is a superstar and according to this story from ABC apparently Lebron James lives outside of Akron in a 30,000 square foot, $9 million mansion in a place called Bath Township. What do we know about Bath Township? Besides being the home of Lebron it is also, according to Wikipedia, overwhelmingly wealthy and really overwhelmingly one race:
The racial makeup of the township was 95.41% White, 1.59% African American, 0.04% Native American, 1.90% Asian, 0.11% from other races, and 0.94% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 0.80% of the population.
Why wouldn't Lebron choose to live in his hometown of Akron which is about 1/3 black or Cleveland where his team the Cavaliers play which is over 50% black instead of building a mansion in a little town that is over 95% White? Because blacks that have the means to do so usually choose to move away from other blacks and into places that are mostly White because they don't want to live among a bunch of blacks either. If blacks had colonized America, assuming they could figure out how to navigate this far, America would look like Liberia and that is the cold, hard fact.

We live in perilous times indeed when simply telling the truth is enough to get you ostracized and fired.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Dear White Christian Women: Black Children Are Not Accessories

If you run around in moderately "conservative" evangelical circles for any length of time you are bound to run into the international adoptive family sooner or later. In the hierarchy of evangelical heroism, families that adopt a non-White kid (or better yet kids) inhabit a lofty position just below church planters, pastors and the grand-daddy of them all, foreign missionaries. In fact having non-White adoptive children is about the highest level of virtue that a lay family can have. I am not against adoption at all, in fact it is a wonderful practice and a needed one and it of course is deeply theological. As we have been adopted into His family by the Father, so we in turn can adopt those without families into our own. The problem is that the foreign adoption industry, and similarly the foreign orphanage-industrial complex, are a giant racket.

Enter fake news CNN with a special report that exposes what a lot of us have known for some time: very few "orphans" in third world nations are really orphans at all:  The 'orphan' I adopted from Uganda already had a family.

Orphanages are a big deal in evangelical circles. Combining a lifetime of being bludgeoned by White guilt and a modern form of the White man's burden, supporting orphanages in places like Ethiopia, Haiti and India are a way for White evangelicals to virtue signal their concern for non-White kids without actually doing much. It is even better if you can visit one of these orphanages as a vaca-ssionary and get some pictures of yourself with a brown or black kid in an orphanage that you can post to social media, a guaranteed way to get many breathless sighs of guilt-driven approval from friends/followers. But adopting an "orphan" is a whole other level of virtue signaling because they come home with you and have to be integrated into your White family, White church, White neighborhood and White schools. Adding to this the reality that a lot of these kids have serious mental/emotional/physical issues and many of them are abused, and you have the mother of all virtue signals living at home.

The problem as I mentioned is that many of these "orphans" have families and even parents already. A lot of "orphans" are sent to orphanages by their own family to get a better education and to let someone else feed and clothe them. The story from CNN, an important story unfortunately filled with nauseating counter-virtue signaling by the author Jessica Davis yammering about her privilege and how noble she is for sending the child they adopted back to Uganda, is of a mother that unknowingly gave up custody of her child but there are certainly plenty of families that sell their children to Americans for adoption to rid themselves of a mouth to feed and as a way to pocket some extra money.

The other problem is that it is hugely expensive and time-consuming. From the story....
I remember reading that there are almost 3 million orphans in Uganda, and with that statistic in mind (and a bit more research), in October of 2013 we began the journey to adopt from there. We did piles of paperwork, got countless sets of fingerprints and spent tens of thousands of dollars. It took a little over a year to get through all the formalities, but I was driven to get to the best part of this process, meeting the needs of a child.
I know of people who adopted from Guatemala, Korea and Russia and in every case it required a ton of money, usually cash. I am all in favor of helping the less fortunate, although I also think there are a lot of people right here in America that could use help, and I understand the impulse to help people in places like Uganda that are a train-wreck and don't have the same social safety net that we have in America. But if you really want to help people in Uganda, which is more cost effective: spending tens of thousands of dollars to adopt one kid, a kid which ended up back in Uganda anyway thus completely wasting all of that money, or finding a local ministry that helps Ugandans in Uganda to live a better life. Uganda is a very poor nation, with a third of families living on about $1.25/day. Just think what $30,000 could do to help an entire village! For less than $2000 you can provide a well for an entire village. Taking one kid out of Uganda helps that kid, and virtue signaling from Jessica Davis aside by almost any measure a kid in a middle-class family in America has it far better than in a Ugandan family, but it does nothing to change the issue in Uganda. It is similar to the refugee nonsense. For what it costs to house and provide for one "refugee" in Europe you could help dozens or even hundreds of actual refugees in their own region. When it comes to helping the less fortunate, you must keep in mind the idea of maximizing utility. Moderately helping 100 people is better than really, really helping one.

Too many White Christian women think that black children are a fashion accessory. Ugg boots, yoga pants, a knock-off Coach handbag and a couple of black kids to set off the whole ensemble. They are not. I don't want Africans coming to this country but I also am not blind to the plight of people in third world nations. If you want to adopt, do it in America and send your virtue coins to people on the ground in these nations. It might not make for appreciative murmurs from your social media circles but it will actually help the most people possible. If that is your concern rather than showing off your little black or brown adopted kids, the solution is pretty obvious.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Senile Warmonger Doesn't Understand America

Senator John McCain, a RINO and cuck if ever there was one, gave an "emotional" and "passionate" speech length virtue signal last night in which he decried "half-baked, spurious nationalism". He deserves a hearing, if anyone knows about being half-baked and spurious, it is McCain. Plus he is a war hero in case you didn't know (and if you criticize him in any way you will hear about why you can't criticize "war heroes").

The Warmonger And The Pervert
McCain still spouts the same nonsense we have been hearing from him for decades...
“To fear the world we have organized and led for three-quarters of a century, to abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain 'the last best hope of earth' for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems is as unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history,” McCain said in the speech.
"Solve problems", huh? Which problems has McCain "solved"? He is the ultimate RINO insider, someone who would rather screw over the Right to score points against Trump because of a petty insult than to actually lead in this country. McCain was part of the "Gang of Eight" that pushed for more and more immigration and amnesty for those breaking our immigration laws along with fellow luminary Senators Chuck Schumer and Bob Menendez who is currently on trial for corruption. That probably doesn't bother McCain given his membership in another numerical group, the Keating Five, involved in corruption relating to the the savings and loan debacle. McCain distinguished himself during Vietnam by getting shot down and captured and he has been banking on that ever since as a terrible Senator and an even worse Presidential candidate. I am less concerned with his clumsy attacks on "nationalism", as it is clearly simply him being petty and taking shots at Steve Bannon as Bannon has targeted fellow RINO and Arizona Senator Jeff Flake in his re-election bid but I am concerned with him regurgitating this nonsensical notion that so many "conservatives" spew....
The Arizona senator said “we live in a land made of ideals, not blood and soil” and said Americans “are the custodians of those ideals at home, and their champion abroad.”
That is just so true John, that is why the preamble to the U.S. Constitution starts with "We the ideals of the United States of America...". Oh, it doesn't say that, it says "We the people of the United States of America...". The ideals of this country serve the people, not the other way around. The laws we have reflect the ideals of securing the blessings of liberty for the Founders and their White posterity. We are a specific people. We are not simply an umbrella of ideals where the people who live under those ideals are irrelevant. To people like Bill Kristol, Americans are just people who happen to live in America at any given time but to the Founders the American people were a specific people. It is beyond the limits of credulity to think that the Founder envisioned the Constitution being designed to secure the blessings of liberty for just anyone that happened to stumble into America. Replacing White Americans who have the best and only claim to being the posterity of the Founders with blacks or mestizos or Asians doesn't make those people American, it simply waters down the meaning of American and leads to people making claims like McCain that America is just an set of amorphous and malleable principles.

Would Americans still be Americans without the Constitution? Would Somalis becomes Americans if they adopted an identical Constitution? Of course not. Again, the "ideals" are a reflection of and are drawn out of the cultural history of the people, a people of a specific ethnic and cultural background. America makes no sense apart from our common racial and historic European heritage. But for McCain, Bill Kristol and others like them, the American people are just replaceable tax cattle to be snookered and exploited to enrich people like McCain and keep them powerful and wealthy. I don't think McCain gives a rat's patootie about the future of America, all he cares about is staying in office and using the power of his office to punish anyone he thinks has slighted him.

You can't replace the American people with another people and expect to have the same country. Mexico is the way Mexico is, the Sudan is the way the Sudan is and Indonesia is the way Indonesia is because of the people that live there, not the "ideals" that they hold to. A Bangladesh with an American Constitution is still going to be Bangladesh because it is full of Bangladeshi.

Here's hoping that Steve Bannon collects the scalp of McCain pal Jeff Flake and many others because a Senate full of faux-patriots like McCain has gotten us where we are. We need White nationalist leaders but for now I will just take regular old nationalists who don't think that my children and I can be replaced with Filipinos. John McCain is a senile, petty warmonger and while I don't wish ill health on him or anyone else, his last day in the United States Senate can't come too soon.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Austria Moves Right

A lot of people have chimed in on the election of fresh faced, 31 year old Sebastian Kurz as the new chancellor of Austria. While his "conservative" The People's Party (ÖVP) garnered 31.7% of the vote, the leftist Social Democrats managed 26.9% and were trailed closely by likely (ÖVP) coalition partner and the apparently much further Right Freedom Party (FPÖ), headed by 48 year old Heinz-Christian Strache, with 26%.

While much of the chatter has been about the rise of the Right in Austria and the solid showing for nationalism, I was mostly interested in the impact on the EU. With this election Austria seems to be solidly rejecting the EU government's suicide pact and more closely aligning themselves with their Eastern European neighbors. From the story.....
Kurz has openly praised Hungary's populist premier Viktor Orban, while the FPÖ is ambivalent at best about the EU.
Strache wants EU sanctions on Moscow lifted and pushed for closer ties with the Visegrad Four countries -- Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
A right-wing coalition "is likely to lead to more tensions with other EU members and Austria is likely to move closer to the Visegrad 4 states", said expert Pepijn Bergsen at the Economist Intelligence Unit.
A move in that direction is something I was pondering back in August with my post Revising The Arctic Alliance. I see the potential for Poland and the rest of the Visegrad to overcome historic distrust of Russia and move Eastward rather than Westward and thought perhaps Austria might tag along:
I can see a new alliance if not friendship that stretches from Poland and Hungary (maybe Austria?) across Russia to China.
Wishful thinking perhaps but I do believe that the EU stranglehold is starting to slip. As I wrote earlier about Poland, the East of Europe including Austria has a lot of land and not as many people. Austria has a population of around 8.7 million people in a country of some 32,385 square miles which is a density of around 268 people per square mile, which is less than half that of Germany and lower than even Poland.

Austria has a bright future if it continues down this path and especially if it begins to unshackle itself from the European Union. I would like to see American nationalists supporting Austrian independence from the EU, it is a far from perfect nation but it appears to be on the right path. One day soon we might see a new barrier separating the West and East in Europe but this time it will be to keep the people in the West out instead of keeping the people of the East in. I wonder which side of the barrier nations like Austria will find themselves on? Here's hoping they end up allied with Poland and Hungary instead of being a vassal state of Germany and France.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Minister Farrakhan Agrees!

Just as I published my prior post on black crime and the need for racial separation I saw that Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam was also calling today on Twitter once again for the races to separate. Go Louis, we are with you!

Black Crimes Matter

I like statistics although I have never been much of a mathematician. I am also aware of the potential for statistics to be misused, or as a guy I used to work with liked to say "Statistics never lie but liars use statistics". So statistics can mean a lot of different things but they also can provide concrete data to base opinions and policies upon. Two people can look at the same set of data and come to different conclusions, if not about what the statistics mean then at least about what our response to them should be. That is the case with crime statistics. When a murder is committed the response is pretty easy to figure out, law enforcement gets involved and then hopefully the criminal justice system. When a pattern of murders and other violent crimes starts to show a troubling trend the question then quickly becomes what to do in response. Nowhere is this more true than in race based criminal statistics, numbers that are increasingly hard to come by because of what they show and which are manipulated (lumping Hispanics in with Whites to skew White crime numbers). The rare reliable source for race based crime stats is the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting system. The latest report came out recently for 2016 and Mr. Frexit on Twitter took the time to put together some troubling charts for us. Here are a few....

There are quite a few additional charts covering other crimes that you can find by reading Mr. Frexit's Twitter feed.

What makes these numbers so troubling is that they move beyond raw numbers and look at rates of violent crime. Blacks are something like 13% of the population and yet when you look at raw numbers and especially rates of crime they are vastly overrepresented in criminal behavior in America, especially violent criminal behavior. As a race, blacks have 8 times the rate of murder compared to Whites and triple the rate of rape. In essentially every category of crime blacks, and to a lesser extent Hispanics/mestizos, are wildly overrepresented as compared to Whites. This is the elephant in the room when it comes to crime and race in America and racial relations in general and that elephant exposes the stark racial divide in America. To blacks, America is a land of no opportunity for them which leads to poverty and then poverty leads to crime. To compound the problem, the cops are out to get them and then the judicial system is out to get them once they get arrested. Many blacks are under the false and rather fantastical notion that many cops are spending their entire shift driving around looking for black men to arbitrarily gun down. I think instead that most cops would rather spend their shift driving around in their cars getting no calls and only getting out to get another donut and refill their coffee thermos. The last thing cops want to do is get into a situation where they have to pull their gun. In addition, the most common victim of the criminal behavior of blacks is...another black.

The incredible rate of black crime commission is a huge problem in this country, filling our jails and morgues, requiring enormous law enforcement and correctional resources, leaving behind shattered families. While blacks see the racial divide in this country as one of recurring, "systemic racism", Whites in this country in large measure, whether they admit it on social media or not, see the racial divide in terms of criminality, sloth, covetousness and a generally alien culture. There simply is no way to bridge this chasm between our perceptions and the path we are on is one that leads to increased racial animus and eventually increased racial strife and violence. The only way to avoid this is to as amicably as possible have the races go their own ways.

There are nearly 40 million blacks in this country plus at least 2.5 million more mulatto people of mixed ancestry that I presume would prefer to associate with their black half, many of whom have been in this country for many generations, perhaps even more so than my family, although as a White family we have the better claim regardless of length of time as citizens. Some advocates of black separatism like the Nation of Islam openly call for racial separation on their official webpage:
4. We want our people in America whose parents or grandparents were descendants from slaves, to be allowed to establish a separate state or territory of their own–either on this continent or elsewhere. We believe that our former slave masters are obligated to provide such land and that the area must be fertile and minerally rich. We believe that our former slave masters are obligated to maintain and supply our needs in this separate territory for the next 20 to 25 years–until we are able to produce and supply our own needs.
Since we cannot get along with them in peace and equality, after giving them 400 years of our sweat and blood and receiving in return some of the worst treatment human beings have ever experienced, we believe our contributions to this land and the suffering forced upon us by white America, justifies our demand for complete separation in a state or territory of our own.
I agree with most of that. I might even be persuaded to permit substantial economic aid for the new black nation until it gets up and running. Removing the source of racial animus in this country is a cause I would open to subsidizing, we could use the foreign "aid" money we give Israel, for which we get nothing in return but wars and dead White kids, to fund this program.

Black crimes matter because it is White America that ends up paying for it in corrections, law enforcement, the economic drain blacks cause and the ruin of our once majestic cities. Blacks insist that were it not for Whites, they would once again be kangz and only White racism is holding them back. I say let's permit them to prove their theory. If they are right, then good for them! If they are not, as I am 100% sure they are not, then their ruin can only be blamed on themselves or at least it will happen apart from White America. It is time for a political reality that matches the practical reality in America, that the races already inhabit functionally different nations. It is high time we simply make it official.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Recent Invention Of The Notion Of Racial Equality

In keeping with one of the themes of this blog, that is to say that America was founded as and intended to be a nation for the benefit of White citizens, check out this video from Jared Taylor on the "racist" origins of America:

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Racists Give Ethnonationalist Salutes During NFL Games

Look at this disgusting neo-Nazi giving an race-based salute after singing the national anthem at the beginning of the Atlanta Falcons - Detroit Lions game. And in front of kids no less!

Oh wait, that wasn't a neo-Nazi, it was just some singer named Rico Lavelle but what he was doing was basically the same as White nationalists tossing up the Nazi salute: he was making a gesture of racial solidarity associated with an often violent historical movement.

Look at the picture. You have some guy chosen by the Detroit Lions to sing the national anthem before the start of a football game where two teams that are probably made up overwhelmingly of a  majority of black men making millions of dollars a year and he decides to seize the opportunity to make a name for himself by kneeling and throwing up a black power salute. I am sure that meaningless gesture just made Rico a rich man, although he will likely blow through all of the money in no time. You can bet his agent is fielding a flood of calls, texts and emails to get him on the air to yammer about his grievances.

You have scantily clad White women flaunting around for the ogling pleasure of fans and players alike.

Worst of all you have a four young black boys looking at this man, probably too young to know what is going on but you can be sure they will be told how powerful that salute is supposed to be. These young boys will probably grow up in neighborhoods where each boy is in far more danger from the other three boys in the photo than he ever will be from cops but what they will take away from this is that the cops are out to get them and the President of the United States is to blame.

I actually agree with the premise behind the salute. Let the blacks have their own ethnostate, let them run their own lives free of the pernicious influence of White people and see how that works out for them. I just ask the same for Whites. I am confident that a White ethnostate would be a far more prosperous and peaceful nation than contemporary America. What about a black ethnostate? Well let's just say that history doesn't favor that model.

Like the entertainment world, the professional sports cabal has become a mainly anti-American, anti-Christian and anti-White institution. It is past time for White people to express our disapproval by withdrawing our attendance, our support and most of all our money from these leagues. If you want to watch sports, watch hockey or better yet find something more useful to do with your lives.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

A Powerful Video: Bread And Circuses

I don't go for click-bait statements like "this is a MUST WATCH video" but this is pretty much a must watch video from Way of the World.

White men are endlessly amusing themselves while their race is destroyed right under our collective noses and sports is one of the most effective ways this is done. Watch men play a kids game for millions of dollars and pay no attention to the real world. Find your most powerful identity in a sports team full of prima donnas who you will never know instead of finding your identity in your faith, your race and your nation.

Here is a thought. Quit playing games and watching other men playing games, get a wife, raise a family, be fruitful and multiply and perpetuate our people and teach your kids to never let anyone denigrate who they are.

Watch this video. Then watch it again. Then share it.

Lynching, Black On Black Crime And The Hysteria Over Nooses

The specter of black men being lynched by mobs of Whites is one of the most powerful in America folklore. The sight of a noose is enough to send many blacks into paroxysms of panic and finding a noose or noose-like object is worthy of coverage by the major media outlets. I wrote back on my old blog, If The Noose Doesn't Fit You Must Acquit!, about the rather suspicious "discovery" of a noose at the National Museum of African American History and Culture (complete with collections of "culturally significant" items like stuff from noted oppressed Person of Color Colin Kaepernick! Your White Guilt tax dollars at work!) made headlines all over the place. Strangely no one ever seems to have been arrested for this dastardly deed. A search of the topic only shows stories from early June right after it allegedly was left...

Weird that a high profile case like this in a public place full of cameras never led to an arrest. It almost seems like....

Back to the real events like lynchings. I was curious: how many actual lynchings occurred in the United States so I Googled DuckDuckGo'd it. It was more than I expected to find.

In a story in the reliably far-Left Washington Post, Even more black people were lynched in the U.S. than previously thought, a study is cited regarding the total number of black lynchings in the South. The study comes from a group called "the Equal Justice Initiative" which seems to be a pretty boilerplate left-wing racial agitation cash cow. According to their webpage they think we don't talk about race enough: "The United States has done very little to acknowledge the legacy of genocide, slavery, lynching, and racial segregation." Really? It sort of seems to most rational people that all we do is acknowledge past racial issues, both real and imagined. Their report can be safely assumed to be reasonably accurate and if anything err on the side of over-reporting lynchings. Here is the key paragraph I want to look at.
Researchers said they determined that 3,959 black people were killed in “racial terror lynchings” in a dozen Southern states between 1877 and 1950. The new number includes 700 people who were not named in previous works seeking to comprehensively document the toll, the authors wrote. Some of those previous studies were conducted at a time when lynching was still an ongoing phenomenon.
3,959 lynchings. That sounds like a huge number and it is, as I said much higher than I expected. While I am a White nationalist I have no interest in hurting blacks or seeing them lynched, just as I have no sympathy for people who troll about re-enacting the narrative of the Holocaust. One black lynched is too many but let's try to look at this number in perspective.

The time frame involved is 1877-1950, or right after the Civil War and right before the Civil Rights movement took off. That is a period of 73 years. Broken out as an average per year that comes to just over 54 per year. That is really a lot, more than one per week. I assumed these were somewhat uneven and I was right, according to this story the vast majority of lynchings, over 3200, took place in the period of 1889-1918, or 100 plus years ago.

Contrast that to my current favorite stat, a favorite because getting concrete data on race and crime like it is hard to do, and the latest riot hot-spot of St. Louis. STL has had 144 murders in the first 9 months of this year and of those 133 or 93.75% were blacks. Every single suspect known to police is black. So in perspective, one city that ranks 60th in terms of population in the U.S., in just part of a year has had more than double the average number of lynchings in the South during the heyday of lynching.

Another example. In Chicago alone, just one city, during the 8 year period from 2009-2016 there were 3,940 murders, most of them black men killed by other black men (that is an assumption as very little racial data has been made available recently). Just one city over a decade has seen basically as many blacks killed by other blacks as happened in the entire history of Southern lynching.

As a side note, it was interesting to read some numbers that indicates thousands of Whites were also lynched, especially before the Civil War.

My point is not to minimize or dismiss the reality of lynching, and I am speaking here of unjust hangings contrasted with hangings that were in response to actual crimes. Just as there are plenty of perfectly justifiable police shootings of "unarmed black men", there were no doubt many more or less justifiable lynchings of blacks and Whites alike. So again I am talking about lynching blacks for sport or out of pure hatred. It was horrible and inhumane and it is blasphemous that there were no doubt lots of men who lynched blacks on Saturday and sat in church on Sunday. The issue is that all too often modern "civil rights" groups endlessly look backwards at past wrongs and never, ever look at contemporary problems. To the professional race agitator a lynching 100 years ago is more pertinent than major cities turning into shooting galleries of blacks murdering other blacks, just as one cop shooting a suspected drug dealer after a high speed chase when the "victim" was carrying a gun in 2011 is far more indicative of the real problems facing the colored community than 135 murders of blacks by other blacks this year in the same city.

We need facts and data and to be serious about these conversations. Other normie Whites are more likely to be persuaded by reason and facts than they are by the spectacle of a couple of alt-right types screeching and throwing feces at each other. This is a war of ideas versus emotions, my data versus muh feels. Make sure you are informed so you can have a rational response when you get questions about people finding a noose or a cop shooting a black or Charlottesville or any number of issues. Being outraged is a good start but it isn't enough to be angry.

Lynchings happened but they happened a long time ago. A rope tied in a particular fashion should not be a source of terror to a grown black man when that black man is under essentially no threat of being lynched by Whites or being killed by a cop if he isn't committing a crime for that matter but he is under serious threat from other black men. That is the simple reality. White identitarians must be relentless in gathering these facts and ruthless in presenting them in response to the nonsense and lies.