Sunday, September 24, 2017

Racists Give Ethnonationalist Salutes During NFL Games

Look at this disgusting neo-Nazi giving an race-based salute after singing the national anthem at the beginning of the Atlanta Falcons - Detroit Lions game. And in front of kids no less!

Oh wait, that wasn't a neo-Nazi, it was just some singer named Rico Lavelle but what he was doing was basically the same as White nationalists tossing up the Nazi salute: he was making a gesture of racial solidarity associated with an often violent historical movement.

Look at the picture. You have some guy chosen by the Detroit Lions to sing the national anthem before the start of a football game where two teams that are probably made up overwhelmingly of a  majority of black men making millions of dollars a year and he decides to seize the opportunity to make a name for himself by kneeling and throwing up a black power salute. I am sure that meaningless gesture just made Rico a rich man, although he will likely blow through all of the money in no time. You can bet his agent is fielding a flood of calls, texts and emails to get him on the air to yammer about his grievances.

You have scantily clad White women flaunting around for the ogling pleasure of fans and players alike.

Worst of all you have a four young black boys looking at this man, probably too young to know what is going on but you can be sure they will be told how powerful that salute is supposed to be. These young boys will probably grow up in neighborhoods where each boy is in far more danger from the other three boys in the photo than he ever will be from cops but what they will take away from this is that the cops are out to get them and the President of the United States is to blame.

I actually agree with the premise behind the salute. Let the blacks have their own ethnostate, let them run their own lives free of the pernicious influence of White people and see how that works out for them. I just ask the same for Whites. I am confident that a White ethnostate would be a far more prosperous and peaceful nation than contemporary America. What about a black ethnostate? Well let's just say that history doesn't favor that model.

Like the entertainment world, the professional sports cabal has become a mainly anti-American, anti-Christian and anti-White institution. It is past time for White people to express our disapproval by withdrawing our attendance, our support and most of all our money from these leagues. If you want to watch sports, watch hockey or better yet find something more useful to do with your lives.

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