Friday, October 13, 2017

Black Crimes Matter

I like statistics although I have never been much of a mathematician. I am also aware of the potential for statistics to be misused, or as a guy I used to work with liked to say "Statistics never lie but liars use statistics". So statistics can mean a lot of different things but they also can provide concrete data to base opinions and policies upon. Two people can look at the same set of data and come to different conclusions, if not about what the statistics mean then at least about what our response to them should be. That is the case with crime statistics. When a murder is committed the response is pretty easy to figure out, law enforcement gets involved and then hopefully the criminal justice system. When a pattern of murders and other violent crimes starts to show a troubling trend the question then quickly becomes what to do in response. Nowhere is this more true than in race based criminal statistics, numbers that are increasingly hard to come by because of what they show and which are manipulated (lumping Hispanics in with Whites to skew White crime numbers). The rare reliable source for race based crime stats is the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting system. The latest report came out recently for 2016 and Mr. Frexit on Twitter took the time to put together some troubling charts for us. Here are a few....

There are quite a few additional charts covering other crimes that you can find by reading Mr. Frexit's Twitter feed.

What makes these numbers so troubling is that they move beyond raw numbers and look at rates of violent crime. Blacks are something like 13% of the population and yet when you look at raw numbers and especially rates of crime they are vastly overrepresented in criminal behavior in America, especially violent criminal behavior. As a race, blacks have 8 times the rate of murder compared to Whites and triple the rate of rape. In essentially every category of crime blacks, and to a lesser extent Hispanics/mestizos, are wildly overrepresented as compared to Whites. This is the elephant in the room when it comes to crime and race in America and racial relations in general and that elephant exposes the stark racial divide in America. To blacks, America is a land of no opportunity for them which leads to poverty and then poverty leads to crime. To compound the problem, the cops are out to get them and then the judicial system is out to get them once they get arrested. Many blacks are under the false and rather fantastical notion that many cops are spending their entire shift driving around looking for black men to arbitrarily gun down. I think instead that most cops would rather spend their shift driving around in their cars getting no calls and only getting out to get another donut and refill their coffee thermos. The last thing cops want to do is get into a situation where they have to pull their gun. In addition, the most common victim of the criminal behavior of blacks is...another black.

The incredible rate of black crime commission is a huge problem in this country, filling our jails and morgues, requiring enormous law enforcement and correctional resources, leaving behind shattered families. While blacks see the racial divide in this country as one of recurring, "systemic racism", Whites in this country in large measure, whether they admit it on social media or not, see the racial divide in terms of criminality, sloth, covetousness and a generally alien culture. There simply is no way to bridge this chasm between our perceptions and the path we are on is one that leads to increased racial animus and eventually increased racial strife and violence. The only way to avoid this is to as amicably as possible have the races go their own ways.

There are nearly 40 million blacks in this country plus at least 2.5 million more mulatto people of mixed ancestry that I presume would prefer to associate with their black half, many of whom have been in this country for many generations, perhaps even more so than my family, although as a White family we have the better claim regardless of length of time as citizens. Some advocates of black separatism like the Nation of Islam openly call for racial separation on their official webpage:
4. We want our people in America whose parents or grandparents were descendants from slaves, to be allowed to establish a separate state or territory of their own–either on this continent or elsewhere. We believe that our former slave masters are obligated to provide such land and that the area must be fertile and minerally rich. We believe that our former slave masters are obligated to maintain and supply our needs in this separate territory for the next 20 to 25 years–until we are able to produce and supply our own needs.
Since we cannot get along with them in peace and equality, after giving them 400 years of our sweat and blood and receiving in return some of the worst treatment human beings have ever experienced, we believe our contributions to this land and the suffering forced upon us by white America, justifies our demand for complete separation in a state or territory of our own.
I agree with most of that. I might even be persuaded to permit substantial economic aid for the new black nation until it gets up and running. Removing the source of racial animus in this country is a cause I would open to subsidizing, we could use the foreign "aid" money we give Israel, for which we get nothing in return but wars and dead White kids, to fund this program.

Black crimes matter because it is White America that ends up paying for it in corrections, law enforcement, the economic drain blacks cause and the ruin of our once majestic cities. Blacks insist that were it not for Whites, they would once again be kangz and only White racism is holding them back. I say let's permit them to prove their theory. If they are right, then good for them! If they are not, as I am 100% sure they are not, then their ruin can only be blamed on themselves or at least it will happen apart from White America. It is time for a political reality that matches the practical reality in America, that the races already inhabit functionally different nations. It is high time we simply make it official.

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