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The Warmonger And The Pervert |
“To fear the world we have organized and led for three-quarters of a century, to abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain 'the last best hope of earth' for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems is as unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history,” McCain said in the speech."Solve problems", huh? Which problems has McCain "solved"? He is the ultimate RINO insider, someone who would rather screw over the Right to score points against Trump because of a petty insult than to actually lead in this country. McCain was part of the "Gang of Eight" that pushed for more and more immigration and amnesty for those breaking our immigration laws along with fellow luminary Senators Chuck Schumer and Bob Menendez who is currently on trial for corruption. That probably doesn't bother McCain given his membership in another numerical group, the Keating Five, involved in corruption relating to the the savings and loan debacle. McCain distinguished himself during Vietnam by getting shot down and captured and he has been banking on that ever since as a terrible Senator and an even worse Presidential candidate. I am less concerned with his clumsy attacks on "nationalism", as it is clearly simply him being petty and taking shots at Steve Bannon as Bannon has targeted fellow RINO and Arizona Senator Jeff Flake in his re-election bid but I am concerned with him regurgitating this nonsensical notion that so many "conservatives" spew....
The Arizona senator said “we live in a land made of ideals, not blood and soil” and said Americans “are the custodians of those ideals at home, and their champion abroad.”That is just so true John, that is why the preamble to the U.S. Constitution starts with "We the ideals of the United States of America...". Oh, it doesn't say that, it says "We the people of the United States of America...". The ideals of this country serve the people, not the other way around. The laws we have reflect the ideals of securing the blessings of liberty for the Founders and their White posterity. We are a specific people. We are not simply an umbrella of ideals where the people who live under those ideals are irrelevant. To people like Bill Kristol, Americans are just people who happen to live in America at any given time but to the Founders the American people were a specific people. It is beyond the limits of credulity to think that the Founder envisioned the Constitution being designed to secure the blessings of liberty for just anyone that happened to stumble into America. Replacing White Americans who have the best and only claim to being the posterity of the Founders with blacks or mestizos or Asians doesn't make those people American, it simply waters down the meaning of American and leads to people making claims like McCain that America is just an set of amorphous and malleable principles.
Would Americans still be Americans without the Constitution? Would Somalis becomes Americans if they adopted an identical Constitution? Of course not. Again, the "ideals" are a reflection of and are drawn out of the cultural history of the people, a people of a specific ethnic and cultural background. America makes no sense apart from our common racial and historic European heritage. But for McCain, Bill Kristol and others like them, the American people are just replaceable tax cattle to be snookered and exploited to enrich people like McCain and keep them powerful and wealthy. I don't think McCain gives a rat's patootie about the future of America, all he cares about is staying in office and using the power of his office to punish anyone he thinks has slighted him.
You can't replace the American people with another people and expect to have the same country. Mexico is the way Mexico is, the Sudan is the way the Sudan is and Indonesia is the way Indonesia is because of the people that live there, not the "ideals" that they hold to. A Bangladesh with an American Constitution is still going to be Bangladesh because it is full of Bangladeshi.
Here's hoping that Steve Bannon collects the scalp of McCain pal Jeff Flake and many others because a Senate full of faux-patriots like McCain has gotten us where we are. We need White nationalist leaders but for now I will just take regular old nationalists who don't think that my children and I can be replaced with Filipinos. John McCain is a senile, petty warmonger and while I don't wish ill health on him or anyone else, his last day in the United States Senate can't come too soon.
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