Nowhere has the turnaround been more impressive than in central and Eastern Europe, where third-quarter growth across the region was well ahead of the EU average and market expectations: the Polish and Czech economies grew by 5%, Latvia’s by 6.2%, Slovakia’s and Lithuania’s by 3.4%, Romania’s by a remarkable 8.6%.Wow, I wonder what could be the difference? I am sure it has nothing to do with the lack of a combination of a lavish welfare state and mass absorption of untold hordes of migrants who are not employed, not assimilated in any meaningful sense and that have no interest in changing either. If Eastern Europe can start to reproduce actual Europeans via child birth, there is little to stop them from becoming independent economic powers in their own right and no longer dependent on hand-outs from the "enlightened" West. Of course this is the globalist Wall Street Journal so no good news would be complete without ominous warnings about the need for "new Europeans", note the portions in red.
The best response to skills shortages is active labor market policies that encourage more women and older people into the workforce, facilitate immigration, raise educational standards and improve health systems.The old globalist stand-by, mass immigration even though current immigrants from Third World nations into Europe are barely employed (or employable) and more women in the work force. Perhaps I can offer an alternate suggestion. Instead of one more woman entering the workforce, what if that one woman got married, stayed home and had four children? Statistically that would be two more males who could then enter the workforce in 18 years. Do that for a couple of generations and the labor "shortage" solves itself. Not to mention that as the economy grows more strongly, labor remains tight and wages go up the 20 million people that have left the region over the last 25 years will come home. Again, why bring in unemployable and often lazy and violent immigrants when you can bring Poles that already speak Polish back to Poland?
The globalists will not be satisfied until they can replace the independent people of Europe with more easily manipulated and controlled migrants but the solution is already there. Have children and create the conditions to encourage expatriate Eastern Europeans to come home. Eastern Europe must avoid the trap of native population eradication via low child birth and mass immigration if it is to survive this century.
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