There is probably no term more misused and wildly misapplied in our national discourse than "White supremacist". To hear it told, there are White supremacists (hereafter just WS) around every corner, under every bed and skulking around looking for a chance to lynch some black guy for no reason whatsoever. Really anything short of openly calling for the extermination of the White race and the utter cleansing of any trace of White civilization (except for the internet and everything else White people invented) is considered WS. Anyone and everyone is part of WS from Richard Spencer and Ramzpaul to Black Pigeon Speaks and Stephen Bannon. It is a term so overused that it has become meaningless.
This video from Lana Lokteff does a good job deconstructing the WS myth.
The more accurate way of describing people like Spencer and most of the Alt-Right is some variation on White Nationalism. No one I know of wants to rule over blacks and mestizos. That is 18th and 19th century thinking. The White man's burden is a thing of the past. Mostly now we just want them to go somewhere else and leave us alone.
On the bright side WS is a term that is so overused that it has become meaningless and therefore loses it's sting entirely. If everyone is a WS then no one cares if you call them that and that actually opens a lot of doors. I think a lot of garden variety normie conservatives are looking more seriously into the alt-right, race realism, White nationalism, etc. because the danger of being called a WS has pretty much become a non-issue. Again, if you are going to be accused of WS anyway, you might as well give race realism an honest examination. Often the best recruitment tools we have are the overuse of name-calling by leftists/SJWs/globalists/race-baiters because sooner or later the name-calling hits a tipping point and stops being effective as a means of silencing us.
So if you think that White culture and White people have a worthwhile history and are deserving of perpetuation in any form, you are a White supremacist. Since you are going to get called that anyway, you might as well embrace it!
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