Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The South Africazation Of The United States

Alphonse de Neuville - The defence of Rorke's Drift 1879

South Africa and more specifically the plight on White farmers and other Whites in S.A. has been getting a great deal of attention in our circles of late. Rightly so. While many people are stuck in the "Lethal Weapon 2 / Nelson Mandela media creation" mindset toward White South Africans where all Whites are cartoonish villains with funny accents keeping the peaceful black South Africans in bondage, we have viewed the state sanctioned, or at least ignored, violence of the black majority toward the White minority with a great deal of alarm. The situation in South Africa and Rhodesia (aka Zimbabwe) is an example of what happens to Whites when blacks are in control (spoiler alert it is not good for the Whites) and serves as a sneak preview of what life might be like in the not-too-distant future in places like Europe and North America as plummeting White birth rates and mass immigration of blacks and browns from Africa, Asia and the Middle East in response to their explosive birthrates subsidized by well-meaning but unintentionally suicidal Whites in the West, leads to Whites becoming a minority in their own nations before the end of the century, if not much sooner. For more, check out this video from VertigoPolitix.

One aspect of this transformation of America and Europe from White ethnostates to multicultural utopias that is given less attention is the way in which the very people being replaced and undergoing self-genocide are also subsidizing their own destruction. It is a statistic that should come to mind easily for anyone who is not sold out on the politics of envy that a huge percentage of the income tax revenue in this country comes from a very small percentage of the people, i.e. those awful "1%'ers". In general the upper and upper-middle class subsidize the rest of the country, especially those who fall into the approximately 50% of tax-payers that pay no income tax, many of whom still get a "refund".

This is true in South Africa as well. Of special interest to me was this quote from Taki Magazine, The “Coffin Case” and the Joys of Hating White Afrikaners, and the statistic it contained:
All this in the context of some startling statistics. In a country of roughly 60 million people, less than 4 million pay tax, and almost 90 percent of them are white. The tax base is shrinking as whites take fright and leave and their children in large numbers follow because they are racially discriminated against in the job market.
That is really the more pressing issue. For now the wide scale violence among blacks takes places almost exclusively among blacks, blacks killing blacks, although the incidence of domestic violence and rape on the part of black men inflicted on White women is deeply troubling. Where we are headed as a nation is a situation like this, with an ever increasing minority base of net takers of social services (blacks and mestizos) and the opposing trend of an ever decreasing White tax based to pay for them as the numbers of productive White tax payers shrinks and more and more young Whites join minorities in the category of net takers from social services. Like South African Whites, we don't really have anywhere to go.

Of course one could also suggest that America in 2017 also strongly resembles ancient Rome before she fell or a more contemporary analogy could be drawn to Weimar Germany. Check out this quote from Identity Dixie's article The Sexual Decadence of Weimar Germany:
The Jews had managed, in the space of a mere fourteen years, to bring about a major “transvaluation of values” in Weimar Germany. The vices of the past were now its virtues. The only vice that remained was chastity.
It is hard to imagine anything more reviled in our contemporary American "culture" than chastity, self-control, moderation and modesty. Another important quote from this essay:
It is self-evident that there is no other way to get control of a society with strong moral values than to weaken those values. The formula is simple: destroy the belief system on which that society is founded, especially its religion and its traditional codes of honor and decency. Promote godlessness and a philosophy of despair. To put it in even plainer language: reduce men to beasts if you wish to control them.
Does that not almost perfectly describe America in 2017? Young men in despair turning inwardly and avoiding both work and normal relationships on the one hand or engaging in pure brutishness on the other. Endless deconstruction of the American creed and the rewriting of American history to inflate the roll of non-Whites (i.e. portraying Alexander Hamilton as a non-White in the play Hamilton, inflating the role of black women in the space program in Hidden Figures, etc.)

Any way you slice it, America is heading over a cliff. Over 20 trillion dollars in debt, another 1.5 trillion in student loan debt, credit card debt, not to mention unfunded liabilities from here to Timbuktu. Compound that with a rapidly shrinking productive tax-paying population (most Whites, virtually all Asians) and an increasing net negative tax and benefit liability class (most blacks and mestizos) and a nightmare scenario where America looks a lot like South Africa is in our future. The big difference is that America is much larger, already has hundreds of millions of guns and just happens to have a huge nuclear arsenal. The political cowardice of our least moral and productive citizens in the government makes a South African future look increasingly likely for the U.S.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Shocking News From Eastern Europe!

The Wall Street Journal reports that Central and Eastern European economic growth is exploding, which of course frightens the WSJ because of possible "overheating": Buoyant Central and Eastern Europe Revives Overheating Fears. While European growth overall is decent, around 2.3% to 2.5%, it is in the East and Center of Europe that things are really popping.
Nowhere has the turnaround been more impressive than in central and Eastern Europe, where third-quarter growth across the region was well ahead of the EU average and market expectations: the Polish and Czech economies grew by 5%, Latvia’s by 6.2%, Slovakia’s and Lithuania’s by 3.4%, Romania’s by a remarkable 8.6%.
Wow, I wonder what could be the difference? I am sure it has nothing to do with the lack of a combination of a lavish welfare state and mass absorption of untold hordes of migrants who are not employed, not assimilated in any meaningful sense and that have no interest in changing either. If Eastern Europe can start to reproduce actual Europeans via child birth, there is little to stop them from becoming independent economic powers in their own right and no longer dependent on hand-outs from the "enlightened" West. Of course this is the globalist Wall Street Journal so no good news would be complete without ominous warnings about the need for "new Europeans", note the portions in red.
The best response to skills shortages is active labor market policies that encourage more women and older people into the workforce, facilitate immigration, raise educational standards and improve health systems.
The old globalist stand-by, mass immigration even though current immigrants from Third World nations into Europe are barely employed (or employable) and more women in the work force. Perhaps I can offer an alternate suggestion. Instead of one more woman entering the workforce, what if that one woman got married, stayed home and had four children? Statistically that would be two more males who could then enter the workforce in 18 years. Do that for a couple of generations and the labor "shortage" solves itself. Not to mention that as the economy grows more strongly, labor remains tight and wages go up the 20 million people that have left the region over the last 25 years will come home. Again, why bring in unemployable and often lazy and violent immigrants when you can bring Poles that already speak Polish back to Poland?

The globalists will not be satisfied until they can replace the independent people of Europe with more easily manipulated and controlled migrants but the solution is already there. Have children and create the conditions to encourage expatriate Eastern Europeans to come home. Eastern Europe must avoid the trap of native population eradication via low child birth and mass immigration if it is to survive this century.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

I've Never Met A White Supremacist And You Probably Haven't Either

There is probably no term more misused and wildly misapplied in our national discourse than "White supremacist". To hear it told, there are White supremacists (hereafter just WS) around every corner, under every bed and skulking around looking for a chance to lynch some black guy for no reason whatsoever. Really anything short of openly calling for the extermination of the White race and the utter cleansing of any trace of White civilization (except for the internet and everything else White people invented) is considered WS. Anyone and everyone is part of WS  from Richard Spencer and Ramzpaul to Black Pigeon Speaks and Stephen Bannon. It is a term so overused that it has become meaningless.

This video from Lana Lokteff does a good job deconstructing the WS myth.

The more accurate way of describing people like Spencer and most of the Alt-Right is some variation on White Nationalism. No one I know of wants to rule over blacks and mestizos. That is 18th and 19th century thinking. The White man's burden is a thing of the past. Mostly now we just want them to go somewhere else and leave us alone.

On the bright side WS is a term that is so overused that it has become meaningless and therefore loses it's sting entirely. If everyone is a WS then no one cares if you call them that and that actually opens a lot of doors. I think a lot of garden variety normie conservatives are looking more seriously into the alt-right, race realism, White nationalism, etc. because the danger of being called a WS has pretty much become a non-issue. Again, if you are going to be accused of WS anyway, you might as well give race realism an honest examination. Often the best recruitment tools we have are the overuse of name-calling by leftists/SJWs/globalists/race-baiters because sooner or later the name-calling hits a tipping point and stops being effective as a means of silencing us.

So if you think that White culture and White people have a worthwhile history and are deserving of perpetuation in any form, you are a White supremacist. Since you are going to get called that anyway, you might as well embrace it!

Saturday, November 11, 2017

The People In Poland Get It

In celebration of the anniversary of Polish independence in 1918, some 60,000 Poles took to the streets to celebrate their national pride. They also seemed pretty Right wing, much to the horror of many self-loathing Whites in the West. 
The largely young crowd shot off roman candles and chanted “fatherland,” carrying banners that read “White Europe,” “Europe Will Be White,” and “Clean Blood.” Some of the marchers flew in from neighboring countries—Slovakia, Spain and Hungary—waving flags and symbols those countries used during their wartime collaboration with Nazi Germany.
“There are of course nationalists and fascists at this march,” said Mateusz, a 27-year-old wrapped in a Polish flag, “I’m fine with it. I’m just happy to be here.”
As I have said before, Poland largely seems to understand what the West does not, that Western culture is under assault and in danger of being eradicated. You cannot simply replace White European with blacks and browns from the Third World and still have Europe and losing Europe makes the entire world a worse place. This quote is gold:
The Radical Camp’s followers argue, on their social-media accounts and in their literature, that the influx of Syrian refugees into Europe is part of a conspiracy driven by Jewish financiers, who are working with Communists in the European Union to bring Muslims into Europe, and with them, Shariah law and homosexuality.
Well that pretty much sums it up. As this is from the globalist HQ of the Wall Street Journal that only sees people as interchangeable economic units and doesn't care who buys their stuff as long as someone is buying, the tone is of course borderline hysterical but other quotes make what should be common sense assertions:
“It’s like this inner need we have,” said Lukasz, a 24-year-old protester. “We want a Poland that will be for Polish people.”
Poland for Polish people is of course racist in a way that Israel for Jewish people or Kenya for Kenyans or India for Indians is not. 

Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and the other nations of the East give me hope for the White race and European culture. By rejecting mass immigration and by openly choosing their native faith of Catholicism over Islam, Poland is one of the leaders striking out a new path that rejects the multicultural future demanded by the E.U.. If they can just remember how to have babies again, Poland can become a powerhouse of Europe. A nation 25 years from now that replenished their population with White Poles is going to be in a much better place than a Germany or France that tries to replace White natives with sub-Saharan Africans and violent Muslims.

I hope it never comes but there may come a day when racially aware Whites in America, Canada and Western Europe will need to look to Eastern Europe and Russia for sanctuary.