Friday, September 1, 2017

White Masculinity

Check out this video from VertigoPolitix

It is without much question that just as White femininity is without compare anywhere in the world, White masculinity is the bedrock of creativity and culture as well as creation. The great cities of Europe wouldn't exist if Whites had no built them. I am not an architect but I appreciate the majesty of Western architecture, especially in Europe where it survived two World Wars. Just look at these photos from a couple of European archictecture twitter accounts and ask yourself where you can find anything else like this in the world? Asia has some cool stuff but not like this.


When we lose White masculinity, we lose this sort of majesty and beauty forever. What would make one think that importing people from a culture that can't seem to claw their way out of the stone age will suddenly or even gradually turn them into a race of builders, thinkers, inventors and explorers?

Preserving and protecting our families, and by extension of race, is a perfectly natural behavior and attitude. There is nothing noble or heroic or enlightened about participation in the mass extermination of the one people that have brought more scientific advances, culture and beauty to the world.

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