Saturday, October 21, 2017

Hans-Hermann Hoppe Talks The Alt-Right And Libertarianism

Check out this hour long video from Hans-Hermann Hoppe. It is a bit difficult to understand him but the entire hour is dynamite.

Hoppe represents the sort of libertarianism I can still get behind. I am not terribly interested in the "socialism for White people" school of some of the alt-right. We have already seen the result of a White socialism in a little experiment called the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact and I don't think any rational person is down with repeating that. This is the big failing of some segments of the alt-right, they seem to think that human nature changes when you get rid of minorities but it really doesn't. Watch the whole thing, it is pretty deep in places but it is good stuff.

If you prefer to read, the good people at VDare have a full transcript as well.

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