Christianity and the Alt-Right have a troubled relationship. On the one hand, issues of race realism and nationalism are clearly seen as a threat by people like Russell Moore as shown by the completely random and unnecessary condemnation of the Alt-Right at the recent annual gathering of the Southern Baptist Convention. Evangelical Christianity and conservative branches of Roman Catholicism and Orthodoxy (for clarity, I don't consider Catholicism or Orthodoxy to be genuine expression of Christianity, to a lesser extent than outright heretical movements like Mormonism) are also the single greatest source of potential recruits as they are dominated by White men who are also politically conservative and less likely than the average Joe to be completely cucked. On the other hand, there are plenty of loud voices in the Alt-Right who seem hell bent on denigrating the Christian faith, preferring a thoroughly secular movement, or at least one that elevates ancient and dead pagan religions or demands, ironically like the Left, that Christians keep their mouths shut about their faith if they want to get into the alt-right treehouse.
This is self-defeating and destructive.
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If this imagery isn't central to your vision for a White future, your vision is empty and hopeless. |
What does the Alt-Right in particular and any hope of rescuing and preserving White European culture more generally need? It needs a lot of White men with wives and children to pass on our values to the next generation and it needs numbers. What does it seem to have and attract a lot of? Unmarried and/or childless bitter young men who don't seem able to distinguish between male headship in the home and church versus garden variety frustration fueled misogyny. There are actually a lot of guys in the alt-right who produce great material that have families but some of the loudest voices are hardly poster-boys for family values and the commenters on those sites are often equally vicious and ignorant when it comes to faith.
How do we bridge the gap between the more garden variety Breitbart conservatives and the Alt-Right? I am not really interested in how to appeal to the Wall Street Journal Republican or the National Review Republican. The WSJ crowd is consumed with tax cuts and tax breaks that may be good policy but are entirely targeted toward a very small, very wealthy group. The NRO crowd is mostly concerned with starting new wars to appease their Jewish neo-con masters. I am concerned with making a place for people who are slowly being driven out of their denominations and political parties and right now the alt-right is kind of a hostile place for them. The future growth of the alt-right and I believe the only hope for our people is not found in bored rich kids who amuse themselves by being an edgy racist and advocate for socialist economic policies or in anonymous internet trolls who have a chip on their shoulders about religion. It is in garden variety, salt of the earth working class and middle class Whites and the reality is that these Whites go to church in huge numbers and that is to their credit. Yammering about Odin worship or accusing all Christians of being complicit in the Catholic priest sex abuse cover-up is going to drive those people away and since they have nowhere else to go it is most likely going to black pill these people and cause them to disengage entirely. Having a majority of Whites blackpilled serves just as well as having them totally cucked.
There are some good voices in the alt-right that balance being a faithful Christian with being a race realist but they are not nearly as popular as others.
For the vision of the alt-right of true self-determination for White Europeans to come to fruition it needs to be a popular movement. Being a fringe movement of internet trolls, memes and based tweets is nice if you want to "be right" while your country burns down around you and your people are exterminated. If you want to see a real future for European people and culture, you need to hit a critical mass of people and the people you need the most are White Christian families. It might not matter to the highly energized but largely impotent people who prowl blogs all day offering what they think is cutting commentary but a guy who works hard building houses for a living to provide for his family and goes to church faithfully on Sunday is not impressed by your juvenile humor nor is he swayed by your clumsy anti-Christianity rhetoric. He also works for a living and could probably snap most pasty basement dwelling internet trolls in half with his bare hands. The people who will make or break this movement are Baptists and Presbyterians as well as Catholics and Russian Orthodox and Mormons and the alt-right drives them away to its peril.
If the alt-right is going to expand beyond a liberal bogeyman and a small cadre of celebrity racists and their sycophantic followers, it is going to need a lot more people and a whole bunch of those people are in church today. Facts are inconvenient things but that doesn't make them less true. The leaders of the alt-right better figure this out pretty quickly or the alt-right will be just another scalp in the belt of the SPLC and find itself on the ash heap of history next to the skinheads and eventually the White race itself.
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